Creation and development of immersive experiences based on Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) technologies, and interactive simulations.
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AI Learning Hub será una plataforma de eLearning diseñada para ofrecer cursos especializados en el uso de la inteligencia artificial, tanto para principiantes como para profesionales avanzados.
¡Bienvenidos al Workshop de Data Analytics! En un mundo impulsado por datos, la habilidad de analizar y tomar decisiones basadas en información precisa se ha convertido en un activo esencial. Este taller está diseñado para brindarte las habilidades y conocimientos necesarios para aprovechar el poder de tus datos y transformarlos en ideas significativas.
At Data Market Insights, we understand that information is the driving force behind strategic business decision making. Our membership is designed to give you exclusive access to valuable data and market analysis, providing a competitive advantage to your company.
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Un taller o workshop de análisis automotriz es un evento o sesión de aprendizaje diseñado para brindar a los participantes conocimientos y habilidades específicas relacionadas con la evaluación y diagnóstico de vehículos automotores.
En la era digital, los datos son el recurso más valioso. La minería de datos es la llave que te permite desbloquear ese tesoro oculto y transformarlo en información valiosa y perspicaz. Este Workshop te llevará a través de este emocionante viaje hacia la extracción, análisis y aplicación de conocimientos a partir de grandes conjuntos de datos.
A nearshoring digital artificial intelligence (AI) project refers to collaboration between companies from different countries to develop AI solutions, where the development team is located in a location geographically close to the client or other interested party.
Morgan Medical Training is an advanced digital platform, created under the Data Labs innovation seal, designed to transform traditional medical learning through digital simulation technology.
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At StoryCraft, we are an agency passionate about uncovering the art and science behind digital storytelling. Our mission is clear: to transform ideas into memorable stories that resonate in the digital world, combining creativity, strategy and technology to achieve this.
InvestWise is positioned as a comprehensive financial advisory ecosystem that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced data analytics to democratize access to personalized investment strategies.
Studio Sastrería Web is a creative workshop specializing in the design and development of custom digital solutions. We are passionate about transforming ideas into unique experiences, combining innovation, aesthetics and functionality.
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At CreativoDesign, we are passionate about the art of graphic design and believe in each person's ability to express their creativity through striking images and captivating visuals. Whether you're looking to learn the fundamentals of graphic design or want to hone your existing skills, you're in the right place.