Generational Change

Generational Change

Family businesses, present in almost all economies in the world, have been a fundamental pillar for the development of communities and industrial sectors over the years. These businesses, often founded by visionary entrepreneurs, face a complex reality: succession and generational change. The ability of these companies to adapt and overcome family transitions is, in many cases, what defines their long-term success. According to a recent report by IPADE Business School, 32% of family businesses today are ru [...]  Read more


Learning how to use new software can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to products as comprehensive as cPanel & WHM. The large number of features and functionalities can be confusing for those who approach this tool for the first time. Aware of this situation, at cPanel we have created cPanel University, a training course designed to guide you from the beginning and support you every step of the way. What is cPanel University? cPanel University is an educational platform packed with training mo [...]  Read more
Periodísmo digital

Periodísmo digital

El periodismo ha experimentado una transformación radical con la llegada de la era digital. El periodismo digital no solo ha cambiado la forma en que se produce y distribuye la información, sino también cómo la consumen los lectores. En este artículo, exploraremos qué es el periodismo digital, sus características distintivas, ventajas y desafíos, y su impacto en la sociedad contemporánea. ¿Qué es el Periodismo Digital? El periodismo digital se refiere a la práctica de crear y distribuir contenido noticios [...]  Read more
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