💻 Workshop
CRD ITS de Cd. Acuña

CRD ITS de Cd. Acuña

Referencia: #ITSCA

The project consists of the creation and implementation of a digital platform that centralizes and facilitates access to a wide variety of academic resources for the educational community of the Higher Technological Institute of Ciudad Acuña.

Data sheet

🗓️ Última actualización hace 3 meses
📍 Ubicación Cd. Acuña, Coahuila

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This platform will be designed to offer students, teachers and administrative staff an intuitive and enriching experience in searching and using educational resources.

The digital platform will have the following main characteristics:

1. Catalog of Periodical Publications: Access will be offered to a selection of scientific journals, academic articles and periodical publications relevant to the different study programs offered by the Institute. Users will be able to navigate and search between different categories and topics of interest.

2. Virtual eBook Library: An extensive collection of electronic books in various areas of knowledge will be integrated, providing users with access to complementary reading material for their studies and research.

3. Specialized Databases: Access to specialized databases in specific fields will be included, allowing students and teachers to access updated and relevant information for their academic and research projects.

4. Interactive Educational Resources: The platform will offer a variety of interactive educational resources, such as simulations, educational videos and hands-on activities, designed to improve understanding and learning of key concepts in different areas of study.

5. Advanced Search Functionalities: Advanced search tools will be implemented that allow users to quickly find the resources they need, using filters by type of resource, topic, author, date, among other criteria.

6. Personalization of User Profiles: Each user will be able to create a personalized profile on the platform, which will allow them to save their favorite resources, keep track of their search history and receive personalized recommendations based on their interests and previous activities.

7. Remote and Multiplatform Access: The platform will be designed to be accessible from any device with an internet connection, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets and mobile devices, thus guaranteeing convenient access from anywhere and at any time.

The development of this digital platform will be carried out in close collaboration with the different departments and academic units of the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Ciudad Acuña, with the aim of guaranteeing that it meets the needs and expectations of the entire educational community. Additionally, ongoing training and support will be provided to ensure successful adoption and effective use of the platform by all users.

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  • ¿Qué es un proyecto digital?

    Un proyecto digital es una iniciativa que utiliza tecnologías digitales para alcanzar un objetivo específico. Esto puede incluir el desarrollo y la implementación de plataformas, aplicaciones, sitios web, campañas de marketing digital, sistemas de gestión de información, y más. Los proyectos digitales se caracterizan por su uso de herramientas y recursos tecnológicos para mejorar procesos, servicios, o productos, y pueden aplicarse en diversos sectores como la educación, la salud, el comercio, y la comunicación.

    Los objetivos comunes de un proyecto digital pueden ser:

    1. Mejorar la Eficiencia: Automatizar y optimizar procesos para ahorrar tiempo y recursos.

    2. Incrementar la Visibilidad: Utilizar el marketing digital para llegar a una audiencia más amplia y aumentar la presencia en línea.

    3. Fomentar la Innovación: Desarrollar nuevas tecnologías o mejorar las existentes para ofrecer mejores servicios o productos.

    4. Facilitar el Acceso a la Información: Crear plataformas que permitan un acceso más fácil y rápido a datos y recursos importantes.

    5. Mejorar la Experiencia del Usuario: Diseñar interfaces y servicios que sean más intuitivos y agradables para los usuarios.