Empresas Dragones
Dec 16, 2024
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En el emprendimiento y las startups, el término "unicornio" se ha popularizado como el modelo aspiracional por excelencia: empresas con un crecimiento acelerado y valoraciones millonarias. Sin embargo, cada vez más expertos y emprendedores están volteando a ver a las empresas dragones, un modelo que prioriza la resiliencia, la rentabilidad y una visión de largo plazo.
¿Qué son las empresas dragones?
Las empresas dragones son compañías resilientes, poderosas y con un fuerte propósito a largo plazo. A difer [...]
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Dec 16, 2024
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A serious vulnerability has been discovered on the server of a Mexican startup that collaborates with large transnational companies. The server, exposed on the Internet without the proper security measures, contains more than six million files with sensitive information, including personal identification documents (such as INE, driver's licenses and passports) and other critical data that could be used by criminals to commit digital fraud.
The compromised company
The affected company is Cargamos, a leadin [...]
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Dec 12, 2024
Soluciones Web
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In an increasingly technology-driven world, efficient data management has become an essential need for both individual users and businesses. In this context, Backblaze emerges as one of the most accessible, reliable and practical solutions in the field of cloud storage.
What is Backblaze?
Founded in 2007, Backblaze is a San Mateo, California-based company that offers cloud storage and backup services. Its main appeal is its simplicity of use and its transparent pricing model, designed to satisfy both indi [...]
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Dec 12, 2024
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El Caso Bitfinex: Uno de los Mayores Robos en la Historia de las Criptomonedas
El 2 de agosto de 2016, Bitfinex, uno de los intercambiadores de criptomonedas más grandes del mundo en aquel momento, sufrió un ataque cibernético que resultó en el robo de 119.756 bitcoins. La cantidad sustraída equivalía a aproximadamente 72 millones de dólares en aquel entonces, marcando uno de los episodios más impactantes en la historia de las criptomonedas.
El ataque puso en evidencia las vulnerabilidades de los intercam [...]
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EcoReinventa HUB
Dec 11, 2024
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This unique program combines resources, technology, and expertise to guide entrepreneurs, businesses, and NGOs in developing breakthrough solutions for waste management and the circular economy.
What is the EcoReinventa Incubator?
The EcoReinventa Incubator is a collaborative space designed to accelerate projects focused on recycling and sustainability. Our goal is to provide the tools, connections, and knowledge needed to move ideas from the conceptual phase to execution, generating a real impact on soci [...]
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Dec 9, 2024
Soluciones Web
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In a business world where efficiency and adaptability are essential for success, technological tools play a crucial role. Among them, enterprise resource planning systems, better known as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), have become a necessity for organizations looking to improve their operational management and make more informed decisions.
What is an ERP and why is it essential?
An ERP is a software designed to integrate the different processes of a company into a single platform. From inventory man [...]
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Trends in psychology
Dec 8, 2024
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The Human Resources (HR) landscape is undergoing a radical transformation as we approach 2025. Factors such as technological advances, evolving ways of working, and a growing focus on mental health are shaping new priorities for organizations. This shift demands more strategic talent management that is tailored to today's challenges.
Work engagement: from a moral contract to a tangible strategy
Work engagement, which in the past was considered an almost implicit element in the employee-employer relationsh [...]
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Tech Shame
Dec 6, 2024
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Generation Z, born into a digital world and renowned for their expertise in social media, mobile apps, and virtual platforms, is facing an unexpected phenomenon that puts their reputation as technology experts at risk: Tech Shame. This term describes the feeling of discomfort, frustration, and even embarrassment that some young people experience when they don't know how to use tools considered basic in the workplace.
Despite their ease in adapting to new digital trends, members of Generation Z are at a dis [...]
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Data Lab
Dec 3, 2024
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Los laboratorios de data (o data labs) se han posicionado como una pieza clave para transformar información en conocimiento accionable. Estos espacios, ya sean físicos o virtuales, son el epicentro de la investigación, experimentación y análisis avanzado de datos. Su objetivo principal es habilitar a las organizaciones para tomar decisiones más informadas, innovar en productos y servicios, y optimizar procesos con base en el poder de la información.
¿Qué es un laboratorio de data?
Un laboratorio de data e [...]
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Digital Threats
Dec 2, 2024
Soluciones Web
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Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous fields, and cybersecurity is no exception. Defenders and attackers alike are leveraging AI’s advanced capabilities to take this battle to the next level. From threat detection and mitigation to the new challenges posed by AI-powered cyberattacks, the digital security landscape is constantly evolving.
Using AI to Detect and Mitigate Threats in Real Time
One of AI’s main strengths is its ability to process massive amounts of data in real time. This ma [...]
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Dec 2, 2024
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In a world where mental health has gained prominence as one of the essential pillars for a full life, Psiconline emerges as an innovative solution that combines technology and therapy to transform access to psychological services. This comprehensive platform connects users with professional therapists and offers physical and digital spaces designed to optimize the therapeutic experience.
One Platform, Multiple Solutions
Psiconline is distinguished by its holistic approach to mental health. Beyond being a [...]
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Dec 1, 2024
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Greenwashing is a deceptive marketing strategy that some companies use to make a false claim to environmental responsibility when they do not actually have one. This phenomenon has grown in the last decade due to the growing environmental awareness of consumers and the pressure to opt for sustainable products and services. However, greenwashing represents a significant obstacle to genuine progress towards a more sustainable future.
What is greenwashing?
The term greenwashing was coined in the 1980s and de [...]
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Nov 28, 2024
Soluciones Web
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Budburst offers a platform that not only rekindles our connection to the environment, but also transforms that connection into a collective scientific endeavor. Budburst invites people of all ages and backgrounds to observe, document, and share data about plant life cycles, contributing to an invaluable knowledge base for understanding the impact of climate change and other factors on our natural environment.
Citizen Science Made Easy for Everyone Budburst is based on the concept of citizen science, a form [...]
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Nov 27, 2024
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Founded in 2003 by Kyle Wiens and Luke Soules, iFixit has positioned itself as a global leader in promoting the right to repair and access to technical information.
iFixit's Mission
iFixit's core mission is to empower users to repair their own devices. With its motto "You can fix it," the company promotes a culture of sustainability by providing free repair manuals, high-quality tools, and replacement parts for a wide variety of devices, from smartphones and laptops to home appliances.
How iFixit Works
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Fast Fashion
Nov 26, 2024
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In recent decades, fast fashion has transformed the clothing industry, democratising access to trendy clothing at affordable prices. However, this accelerated consumption model has a hidden cost that the planet is paying with interest. From the pollution of natural resources to labour exploitation, fast fashion poses serious ethical and environmental challenges that require urgent attention.
What is fast fashion?
Fast fashion is based on the mass and inexpensive production of clothing, inspired by the lat [...]
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AI Anthropomorphism
Nov 25, 2024
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Anthropomorphism, defined as the tendency to attribute human characteristics to non-human entities, is a phenomenon as old as humanity itself. From the earliest myths and legends where animals spoke or objects were alive, to today with advanced machines, this inclination reflects our need to understand and relate to our environment. In the field of technology, anthropomorphism has taken on a new meaning and purpose, particularly in the design and development of chatbots such as ChatGPT, Gemini or Copilot.
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Creative HUB
Nov 25, 2024
Confeccionando Tecnología
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Creative web design is constantly evolving, driven by new trends, technologies and the growing need to differentiate in a saturated digital market. In this context, creative web design hubs have emerged as epicentres of innovation, collaboration and experimentation, where professionals and companies converge to create unique and effective digital experiences.
What are creative web design hubs?
A creative web design hub is a space, physical or digital, that brings together designers, developers, creatives [...]
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Increase in cyber attacks
Nov 23, 2024
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In an increasingly interconnected world, organizations face a constant and rapidly evolving threat: cyberattacks. This problem has reached alarming levels, both in terms of the frequency of attacks and their increasing complexity, generating a significant impact globally.
As technologies advance, so do the strategies of cybercriminals, who are using increasingly advanced tools to exploit the vulnerabilities of systems and people. This situation demands an immediate and coordinated response to protect digit [...]
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Educación Digital
Nov 20, 2024
Confeccionando Tecnología
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En la última década, América Latina ha intensificado sus esfuerzos para cerrar la brecha digital, un desafío crítico que afecta la equidad social, el desarrollo económico y el acceso a derechos fundamentales como la educación y la salud. Diversos países de la región han lanzado ambiciosos proyectos destinados a extender el acceso a Internet a millones de personas, con un enfoque particular en las áreas rurales y las comunidades marginadas. Estas iniciativas, que combinan innovación tecnológica y políticas p [...]
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