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Digital Design Agency

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🗓️ Last update 3 years ago
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Brand identity

  • Choose an agency name that is memorable and represents your values ​​and approach.
  • Design a logo and color palette that reflect your agency's personality.

Service Strategy

  • Specify the services you will offer. This may include web design, digital marketing, app development, SEO, social media management, among others.
  • Consider your niche and how you will differentiate yourself from the competition.

Team of collaborators

  • Build a talented, multidisciplinary team that can address diverse customer needs.
  • Establish clear roles and responsibilities.

Marketing Strategy

  • Develop a digital marketing strategy to promote your agency. This may include the creation of a website, social media profiles and advertising campaigns.
  • Use content marketing to demonstrate your expertise and attract potential clients.

Processes and Workflows

  • Defines internal processes for project management and communication with clients.
  • Use project management tools to maintain efficient tracking.

Technology and Tools

Identify the tools and technologies you will use in your agency, such as design software, marketing tools, customer management systems (CRM), and team collaboration platforms. Establish a budget and financial plan to ensure your agency is sustainable and profitable.

Platform income

Define your pricing and rate structure for the services you offer. Consider whether you will charge per project, hourly, or through a subscription model. Create a customer-centric approach. Offers excellent customer service to build long-term relationships.

Remember that the design of a digital agency is a continuous process. Adapting to changing digital trends and market needs is critical to long-term success.

Digital Design Agency



The design of a digital agency covers several aspects, from brand identity to the organizational structure and the service strategy you offer.

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