Social skills have become essential in both personal and professional settings, as the ability to interact effectively with others plays a crucial role in the success of our relationships and daily activities. However, for some people, developing these skills can be a challenge. Difficulties connecting with others can lead to problems building healthy relationships, resolving conflicts effectively, and adjusting to different social environments. This is where Social Skills Training (SST) comes in, a behavio [...]  Read more
Parques industriales

Parques industriales

In recent years, industrial parks in Mexico have experienced historic growth that has transformed the landscape of industrial development in the country. This increase has been driven by global and local factors that have strengthened its position as a key investment destination. The increase in net absorption: a quantitative leap In 2019, before the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the net absorption of industrial parks in Mexico – which refers to millions of square meters occupied by companies – was 2 m [...]  Read more
Water Consumption

Water Consumption

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought significant benefits across a wide range of sectors, from healthcare to content creation and process automation. However, along with these developments, concerns also arise about the environmental impact that these advances may generate. One of the most recent aspects that has attracted attention is the high water consumption associated with advanced AI models, such as OpenAI's GPT-4. The University of California Study A recent study carrie [...]  Read more
The Role of INAI

The Role of INAI

In the digital age, access to e-learning platforms has become a fundamental tool for education. However, when it comes to minors, the collection of personal information, such as emails, raises serious legal and ethical issues. In Mexico, the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) plays a key role in monitoring and regulating the use of personal data, especially when it comes to minors. This article explores why it is illegal for an e-learning platfor [...]  Read more


La interrupción de servicios digitales puede generar grandes inconvenientes, desde la imposibilidad de acceder a redes sociales hasta la caída de servicios bancarios o plataformas de entretenimiento. Es en este contexto que plataformas como Downdetector se han convertido en herramientas esenciales para los usuarios y las empresas. Pero, ¿cómo funciona Downdetector y por qué es tan relevante? ¿Qué es Downdetector? Downdetector es una plataforma web que recopila informes de usuarios sobre interrupciones y p [...]  Read more


The growing concern about privacy and the handling of personal data has put WorldCoin at the center of various global investigations. This cryptocurrency platform, which offers incentives in exchange for biometric and personal data, has received criticism for the way it handles information collection. Mexico has not been the exception in this debate. The WorldCoin Model and International Criticism WorldCoin promises an inclusive digital economy by distributing cryptocurrencies in exchange for personal inf [...]  Read more
X Brasil

X Brasil

On August 30, 2024, Judge Alexandre de Moraes of Brazil’s Supreme Federal Court (STF) issued a nationwide suspension order for the X platform, formerly known as Twitter. This decision places Brazil on the list of countries where the popular social network is not available, marking a significant milestone in the tense relationship between Elon Musk’s company and Brazilian authorities. Context of the Suspension< /h2> The suspension order did not come unexpectedly. Days earlier, on August 28, Judge Mor [...]  Read more


AWStats emerge como una herramienta robusta y confiable para los administradores de sitios y profesionales de la web que buscan obtener una visión profunda del tráfico de sus sitios. Desarrollado en Perl, AWStats proporciona estadísticas detalladas sobre el tráfico web, ayudando a los usuarios a comprender mejor el comportamiento de sus visitantes y optimizar sus estrategias en línea. ¿Qué es AWStats? AWStats (Advanced Web Statistics) es un software de análisis de logs que permite a los usuarios monitorea [...]  Read more
AI Programming

AI Programming

In an increasingly digitalized world, the nature of work is undergoing a profound transformation, especially in the field of software development. According to a recent analysis by Amazon's cloud manager, programming, although it will remain a fundamental tool, is beginning to be seen in a new light. The role of software engineers is no longer limited to just writing code; It is expanding towards a more creative and innovative dimension. In a series of recordings published by an American media, the leader [...]  Read more
El cambio

El cambio

In a rapidly evolving environment, both on a personal and professional level, the concepts of adaptability and resistance to change play a crucial role. Although they are often mentioned together, they represent very different approaches to the transformations we face in life. Understanding these differences may be the key to thriving in an ever-changing world. What is Adaptability? Adaptability is the ability to adjust to new conditions. In simple terms, it is the ability to accept and manage change effe [...]  Read more
Public Sector

Public Sector

In a global economic context marked by uncertainty, the Public Sector Financial Requirements (RFSP) have taken a central role in discussions about Mexico's fiscal sustainability. The organization México Evalúa has indicated that, until June of this year, the RFSP have experienced a significant increase, the second largest for a similar period in the current six-year term. This growth is not only notable for its magnitude, but also for being the highest level recorded since 2008, when the Ministry of Finance [...]  Read more


Globalization is a phenomenon that has transformed the world economy, connecting countries, cultures, and markets more closely than ever. However, this process has generated a considerable gap between the rich and the poor, worsening economic and social inequality in many regions of the world. This article explores how globalization has contributed to the lack of opportunities for the poorest populations, analyzing the factors that perpetuate this inequality and proposing possible solutions to address this [...]  Read more
Caída Empleo

Caída Empleo

El mercado laboral en México ha experimentado recientemente una ligera mejora en la creación de empleo formal. En julio, se registró un incremento de 12,000 nuevos afiliados al Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), señalando un respiro en medio de una tendencia general de desaceleración. Sin embargo, este aumento no ha logrado contrarrestar por completo las reducciones observadas en los dos meses anteriores, lo que plantea preguntas sobre la estabilidad y la dinámica futura del mercado de trabajo. A [...]  Read more


Una de las técnicas más comunes y peligrosas en el arsenal de los ciberdelincuentes es el phishing. Recientemente, ESET Latinoamérica, una reconocida empresa de ciberseguridad, ha detectado una preocupante campaña de correos falsos que circula principalmente entre los habitantes de la zona metropolitana de la Ciudad de México. Esta campaña imita mensajes emitidos por el gobierno local, engañando a las víctimas para que paguen multas inexistentes. Este tipo de engaño es una clara manifestación del phishing, [...]  Read more
Recuperación Mercado

Recuperación Mercado

In a positive turn for emerging markets, the Mexican peso emerged as a leader in the recovery after a series of global turbulences that had shaken these economies. This rally was driven by the Bank of Japan's decision to maintain a cautious stance on possible increases in interest rates, a move that alleviated pressures generated by the recent sell-off in risk assets. This phenomenon, known as the "carry trade", had resulted in an outflow of capital from emerging markets, where investments are often finance [...]  Read more
Caída WallStreet

Caída WallStreet

En una jornada marcada por la incertidumbre y la volatilidad, los principales índices de Wall Street experimentaron una caída significativa de hasta 3,5%. Esta tendencia negativa fue impulsada principalmente por el desplome de los títulos tecnológicos, que arrastraron consigo al resto del mercado. Desempeño de los Principales Índices El S&P 500, un índice ampliamente considerado como un barómetro de la economía estadounidense, cayó un 3,5%, registrando su peor desempeño en varios meses. El Nasdaq, que agr [...]  Read more


En un mundo saturado de colores vibrantes y efectos digitales, N-gativo emerge como un refugio para los amantes de la fotografía en blanco y negro. Esta plataforma única no solo celebra la simplicidad y elegancia de la escala de grises, sino que también proporciona un espacio para que los fotógrafos expresen su creatividad de manera auténtica y profunda. A través de su galería curada, tutoriales, foros y retos fotográficos, N-gativo está redefiniendo lo que significa ser un fotógrafo en blanco y negro en la [...]  Read more
Tendencia económica

Tendencia económica

In a context of global transformations and adjustments in trade policies, Chile and Canada reinforce their collaboration through a specialized workshop, held between July 22 and 26, directed by the economist and advisor to Canada's Global Affairs, Aldo Sandoval. The event, which marks the 27th anniversary of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between both nations, focused on the latest economic trends and analysis methodologies in international trade. The workshop stood out for its practical and theoretical fo [...]  Read more
Cybersecurity (work)

Cybersecurity (work)

In a global panorama where the demand for cybersecurity talent has experienced a cooling, Mexico emerges as a notable exception. According to an analysis of the LinkedIn Economic Graph, the demand for profiles specialized in cybersecurity in the country has shown an annual growth of 6.8% during 2024, surpassing other economies such as Spain, India, the Netherlands, Australia and Germany. The Mexican Exception in a Context of Global Deceleration Globally, demand for cybersecurity experts has shown signs of [...]  Read more
Showing 20 to 39 of 73 (4 Pages)