

En un mundo saturado de colores vibrantes y efectos digitales, N-gativo emerge como un refugio para los amantes de la fotografía en blanco y negro. Esta plataforma única no solo celebra la simplicidad y elegancia de la escala de grises, sino que también proporciona un espacio para que los fotógrafos expresen su creatividad de manera auténtica y profunda. A través de su galería curada, tutoriales, foros y retos fotográficos, N-gativo está redefiniendo lo que significa ser un fotógrafo en blanco y negro en la [...]  Read more
Tendencia económica

Tendencia económica

In a context of global transformations and adjustments in trade policies, Chile and Canada reinforce their collaboration through a specialized workshop, held between July 22 and 26, directed by the economist and advisor to Canada's Global Affairs, Aldo Sandoval. The event, which marks the 27th anniversary of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between both nations, focused on the latest economic trends and analysis methodologies in international trade. The workshop stood out for its practical and theoretical fo [...]  Read more
Cybersecurity (work)

Cybersecurity (work)

In a global panorama where the demand for cybersecurity talent has experienced a cooling, Mexico emerges as a notable exception. According to an analysis of the LinkedIn Economic Graph, the demand for profiles specialized in cybersecurity in the country has shown an annual growth of 6.8% during 2024, surpassing other economies such as Spain, India, the Netherlands, Australia and Germany. The Mexican Exception in a Context of Global Deceleration Globally, demand for cybersecurity experts has shown signs of [...]  Read more


In the vast world of dating apps, Bumble stands out not only for its intuitive design and functionality, but also for its unique focus on empowering women. Launched in 2014 by Whitney Wolfe Herd, one of the co-founders of Tinder, Bumble quickly became one of the most popular dating apps in the world. What makes it so special? Let's find out. The Bumble Philosophy: Women Take the Initiative One of the most distinctive aspects of Bumble is that in heterosexual relationships, only women can make the first mo [...]  Read more
Digital Protection

Digital Protection

In a month marked by uncertainty and concern, several pillars of the Spanish business sector have been shaken by a wave of massive hacks that have revealed deep vulnerabilities in cybersecurity. Large entities such as the General Directorate of Traffic, Iberdrola, Telefónica and Santander have been the target of these attacks, compromising not only the integrity of their systems, but also the trust of millions of users. According to alarming reports from Hudson Rock, a renowned firm in the field of cyberse [...]  Read more


RECYLINK is much more than a waste management platform: it represents an innovative solution that integrates technology and environmental commitment for companies and organizations. In its Marketplace, it connects users with suppliers specialized in the management of different types of waste, facilitating the request of services and guaranteeing detailed automatic traceability. One of the outstanding features of RECYLINK is its ability to generate traceability, which significantly simplifies the declaratio [...]  Read more
Primary school

Primary school

In the heart of Mar Chiquita, a few steps from El Cangrejo stream and just five blocks from the ocean, is a construction that at first glance could look like anything but a school. However, this 315 m² building houses Primary School No. 12, an educational institution that has revolutionized the concept of sustainability in Argentina. Founded in 2018, Primary School No. 12 not only stands out for its commitment to the education of 120 boys and girls, but also for its innovative approach to environmental mat [...]  Read more
Salud en peligro

Salud en peligro

In Mexico, the security of patients' medical information and the integrity of health institutions are under serious threat. According to the report "Will Healthcare Prosper or Survive?" According to SOTI, half of the country's health centers have suffered some type of data breach. This alarming statistic reveals the fragility of the Mexican health system in the face of cyberattacks and other security incidents. The report highlights that 50% of these centers have had their patient information compromised, [...]  Read more
CSS Paint

CSS Paint

La capacidad de generar y dibujar gráficos dinámicamente es crucial para la personalización y la creatividad en el diseño de sitios. Una de las herramientas más recientes y poderosas para lograr esto es CSS Paint, parte de CSS Houdini, un conjunto de APIs de bajo nivel que extienden las capacidades del motor CSS de los navegadores. ¿Qué es CSS Paint? CSS Paint es una API que permite a los desarrolladores generar y dibujar gráficos de manera programática, justo donde CSS espera una imagen. Esto significa q [...]  Read more


Cobalt is an essential metal in the manufacture of rechargeable batteries, making it a critical component in the electronic devices and electric vehicle (EV) industry. However, the growing demand for cobalt has unleashed a series of crises ranging from environmental problems to human rights violations. This article explores the multiple dimensions of the cobalt crisis and its global implications. Importance of Cobalt Cobalt is essential for the production of lithium-ion batteries, which are used in mobile [...]  Read more


AWStats is a free, powerful, feature-rich tool that generates advanced web, streaming, FTP, or email server statistics graphically. This log analyzer works both as a CGI (Common Gateway Interface) or from the command line, displaying all the possible information contained in your logs through a few graphical web pages. Use a partial information file to be able to process large log files quickly and frequently. Features and compatibility AWStats can analyze log files from all major server tools such as Apa [...]  Read more
Factor Clave

Factor Clave

En la era digital, la presencia en línea de una pequeña y mediana empresa (Pyme) no es solo una ventaja competitiva, sino una necesidad. Uno de los elementos más cruciales en esta presencia digital es la página web de presentación. Además de servir como una vitrina para productos y servicios, una página web bien diseñada puede desempeñar un papel fundamental en la obtención de un crédito para impulsar una Pyme. En este artículo, exploraremos cómo y por qué una página web puede ser decisiva en el proceso de [...]  Read more
Emprendimiento en Colombia

Emprendimiento en Colombia

El Emprendimiento en Colombia: Un Ecosistema en Transformación El ecosistema emprendedor en Colombia ha experimentado una notable renovación gracias al boom de la transformación digital, que ha sido ampliamente acogida en el país. Esta transformación ha impulsado a los colombianos a considerar el emprendimiento no solo como una opción profesional consciente, sino también como un estilo de vida. Alta Tasa de Emprendedores Potenciales Según el informe del Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), Colombia [...]  Read more


La inteligencia artificial (IA) está transformando nuestras vidas de maneras inimaginables. Entre las innovaciones más prometedoras se encuentra Dora, una herramienta de IA que no solo se adapta, sino que también evoluciona con el usuario. Aunque todavía está en fase beta, Dora muestra un inmenso potencial para comportamientos emergentes y auto-evolución. A continuación, exploramos algunas de las características en desarrollo para las futuras versiones de esta revolucionaria herramienta. 1. Adaptabilidad I [...]  Read more
AI deception

AI deception

Experts have long warned about the potential dangers of uncontrolled Artificial Intelligence (AI). A recent study of this expanding technology indicates that these concerns are already beginning to materialize. Current AI systems, originally designed to be truthful, have begun to show a worrying ability to deceive, according to an article published by a group of scientists in the journal Patterns. This phenomenon raises serious questions about safety and ethics in the development and implementation of AI. [...]  Read more


Malas Prácticas de TEMU: Un Análisis Crítico TEMU, una plataforma de comercio electrónico en auge, ha captado la atención de consumidores y empresas a nivel global. Sin embargo, detrás de su crecimiento vertiginoso, se esconden diversas prácticas cuestionables que han suscitado preocupación entre usuarios, empleados y reguladores. En este artículo, examinaremos algunas de las malas prácticas asociadas con TEMU, desde problemas laborales hasta la gestión de datos y la satisfacción del cliente. 1. Condicion [...]  Read more
A digital maze

A digital maze

In the tumultuous world of social media, Snapchat emerges as a towering force, shaping not only our digital interactions, but our minds as well. Delving into the impact of this platform on the mental health of children and adolescents is like entering a complex labyrinth, where anxiety and depression are shadows that loom between the ephemeral images and messages. From the perspective of Family Medicine, where patients' concerns are intertwined with everyday realities, a growing concern arises: the mental [...]  Read more
Seguridad Empresarial

Seguridad Empresarial

En el mundo digitalizado de hoy, la seguridad empresarial se ha convertido en una preocupación primordial para todas las organizaciones. Una brecha de seguridad puede ser catastrófica, afectando no solo la integridad de los datos, sino también la imagen y la reputación de la empresa. Desde intrusiones maliciosas hasta descuidos accidentales, las brechas de seguridad pueden ocurrir de diversas maneras, dejando a las empresas vulnerables a una serie de consecuencias adversas. ¿Qué es una brecha de seguridad? [...]  Read more
Crack the Code

Crack the Code

In the theater of life, each of us has had our share of bad days. Those moments when it seems that the universe is conspiring against us, where even the coffee tastes bitter and the smiles are hidden behind a veil of frustration. But what if I told you that you have the power to turn the tables 90%? In the face of adversity, the key lies in proactive action. Instead of succumbing to the chaos, boldly ask yourself: How can I solve this? What step should I take right now? Embracing these questions with deter [...]  Read more
Showing 20 to 39 of 58 (4 Pages)