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Fundación Tosepan

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🏷️Dominio fundaciontosepan.org
📍 Ubicación Cuetzalan, Puebla

Description of the aid project

Our main focus is to improve the quality of life of families and communities through comprehensive support that covers different key areas for the well-being and sustainable development of the region.

Areas of Action

We work in multiple dimensions to address fundamental needs and promote collective well-being, among which the following stand out:

- Health: We provide medical care and preventive programs that guarantee access to health, focused on traditional and modern medicine, adjusted to the needs of the communities.

- Food: We promote food sovereignty through training in sustainable agricultural techniques and the promotion of organic agriculture projects, promoting local production and responsible consumption.

- Education: We develop educational programs that respect and promote ancestral knowledge, also integrating modern tools for continuous learning and strengthening cultural identity.

- Culture: We safeguard and promote the traditions and customs of indigenous communities, Recognizing its value in building a more just and equitable society.

- Housing: We implement sustainable and ecological housing projects, designed to improve the habitability and comfort of families, while respecting the natural environment.

- Biocultural Territory Management: We defend and manage the territory together with communities to protect biodiversity and cultural heritage, ensuring that future generations can enjoy a healthy environment in harmony with their traditions.

- Community Training and Development: We offer ongoing training to improve living conditions, providing tools that empower communities in decision-making and self-management of their development projects.

Structure and Alliances

Fundación Tosepan is part of the Union of Tosepan Cooperatives, an organization that brings together 9 cooperatives and 3 civil associations, all united by the common goal of achieving sustainable development for the peasant and indigenous peoples of the region. Each cooperative and association works in a coordinated manner to ensure that the initiatives implemented have a lasting impact on people's lives.

Our Purpose

The main objective of the foundation is to leave to future generations an environment where they can live with dignity and well-being. This means creating conditions that allow self-sufficiency and resilience in the face of present challenges, ensuring a future in balance with nature and in accordance with the community and cultural values ​​of indigenous peoples.

Commitment to Sustainable Development

At Fundación Tosepan, we believe that sustainable development is the key to an equitable and fair future. All our efforts are aimed at generating a positive and lasting impact on rural and indigenous communities, promoting environmentally friendly practices that reinforce the identity and autonomy of the peoples.

By working hand in hand with local communities, our vision is to build a development model that not only improves current living conditions, but also preserves natural, cultural and social resources for future generations.


Fundación Tosepan

Reference: #FundaciónTosepan

At Fundación Tosepan, we are dedicated to supporting and strengthening the life projects of the rural and indigenous communities of the Northeastern Sierra of the state of Puebla.

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  • ¿Qué es un proyecto digital?

    Un proyecto digital es una iniciativa que utiliza tecnologías digitales para alcanzar un objetivo específico. Esto puede incluir el desarrollo y la implementación de plataformas, aplicaciones, sitios web, campañas de marketing digital, sistemas de gestión de información, y más. Los proyectos digitales se caracterizan por su uso de herramientas y recursos tecnológicos para mejorar procesos, servicios, o productos, y pueden aplicarse en diversos sectores como la educación, la salud, el comercio, y la comunicación.

    Los objetivos comunes de un proyecto digital pueden ser:

    1. Mejorar la Eficiencia: Automatizar y optimizar procesos para ahorrar tiempo y recursos.

    2. Incrementar la Visibilidad: Utilizar el marketing digital para llegar a una audiencia más amplia y aumentar la presencia en línea.

    3. Fomentar la Innovación: Desarrollar nuevas tecnologías o mejorar las existentes para ofrecer mejores servicios o productos.

    4. Facilitar el Acceso a la Información: Crear plataformas que permitan un acceso más fácil y rápido a datos y recursos importantes.

    5. Mejorar la Experiencia del Usuario: Diseñar interfaces y servicios que sean más intuitivos y agradables para los usuarios.