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Protección Violeta

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Description of the aid project

Through an innovative geo-directory, a network of local businesses has been created that is committed to offering immediate and effective support to women at risk. This project was born from the firm conviction that the community can and should play a crucial role in the protection of women, offering places where they can go in search of safety, guidance and assistance.

How does Violet Protection work?

The Violet Protection geo-directory is designed to facilitate access to strategic points in the city, such as shops, restaurants, offices and other establishments, which have been previously trained to act in case a woman needs help. These businesses will be identified with a Violet Protection logo, visible on their facades, so that women can easily recognize them.

Each business registered in this network commits to providing assistance in various ways, such as allowing women to temporarily shelter, giving them access to a telephone to contact authorities or family members, or providing them with information on local support services such as shelters, emergency lines, and centers for victims of violence.

Project Objectives

1. Create a safer environment: Through the collaboration of local businesses, we seek to create a visible and reliable support network where women can feel safe.

2. Strengthen community awareness: Violet Protection focuses on educating both businesses and the community about the importance of intervening and supporting victims of violence in a responsible and effective manner.

3. Facilitate access to resources: In addition to immediate support, the geodirectory includes a list of resources such as shelters, legal services, and helplines, so that women know where to go if they require more help in the long term.

4. Ongoing training: Participating establishments receive ongoing training to be prepared for various situations. This includes protocols on how to offer help without putting the victim or themselves at risk, and how to contact the authorities quickly and efficiently.

Commitment of local businesses

The businesses that are part of Violet Protection are not only part of a social initiative, but they also become active agents of change within the community. Their participation is completely voluntary, but it implies a real commitment to act when necessary. This support can vary from offering a safe space for a few minutes to discreetly contacting the authorities if the situation requires it.

Expected impact

Violet Protection seeks to reduce gender violence in Torreón by offering more aid points to women in danger. As more businesses join this cause, the positive impact on the community is expected to multiply, promoting an environment in which safety and support for vulnerable women is a shared priority.

A growing project

Although Violet Protection is focused on Torreón, its model is scalable and can be replicated in other cities. The hope is that this movement will inspire other communities to take action, generating a protection network for women throughout the country. In addition, it is planned to integrate geolocation technologies and mobile applications to further improve accessibility and response to emergencies.

Violet Protection is more than a project; it is a community commitment that empowers women, offering protection and support in the most critical moments. With the collaboration of citizens and businesses, an environment can be built where women live free of fear, knowing that their community is by their side.

Protección Violeta

Reference: #ProteccionVioleta


Violet Protection is a far-reaching initiative that aims to provide a safe and accessible space for women victims of violence in the city of Torreón.

Open Access 🔓

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